Creating a new dashboard

  • Updated

Users can create a dashboard to monitor several variables (or other types of resources) simultaneously. Variables can be aggregated and displayed together in a variety of ways.

To create a new dashboard, hover over the Dashboards section of the Left-hand navigation bar and select New Dashboard

New Dashboard.png

The Create New Dashboard page will prompt you to choose the organization the dashboard should belong in, the name of the dashboard, and an optional description.

A dashboard can be made Public. If a dashboard is Public, it can be viewed by anyone with the link to the dashboard page without authentication. This allows you to share non-confidential analysis with others, even if they don’t have an ioTORQ account.

The new dashboard can also be selected as Favourite. A dashboard with Favourite enabled gets pinned to a user's homepage.

Create New Dashboard.png


Populating the dashboard

Text, graphs, schematics, and matrices can now be added to the dashboard to summarize and display variable data in a variety of ways.

The Chart Types article provides detailed descriptions of each option. Once an element is added to the dashboard, it can be rearranged and resized.

While displaying the dashboard, the data will automatically be updated without reloading the page.

Dashboard Overview.png



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