In addition to basic arithmetic operations like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, there are several advanced functions that can be used in the equation editor. They are described in detail below.
Function | Description | Syntax | Notes | Examples |
max of 2 | Returns the largest value in a set of arguments | maximum(a_1, a_2) | Arguments can be a variable, a constant, or a mathematical function of two or more variables | MAX (variable1, variable2) MAX (variable1, 100) MAX (variable1 - variable2, 0) |
min of 2 | Returns the smallest value in a set of arguments | minimum(a_1, a_2) | Arguments can be a variable, a constant, or a mathematical function of two or more variables | MIN (variable1, variable2) MIN (variable1, 100) MIN (variable1 - variable2, 0) |
frequency (s) | Returns the frequency of the variable in seconds | frequency |
The frequency of the variable is set in the "Edit" menu and can have values of 1 minute, five minutes, quarter hourly, etc. Mathematical operations can be performed on the frequency function. For example, 2*frequency will double the result of the frequency function. |
If the virtual variable has a Frequency set to 1 minute, the frequency function will return 60. If the virtual variable has a Frequency set to hourly, the frequency function will return 3600. |
abs | Returns the absolute value of the expression | abs(a_1) | Arguments can be variables, constants, or mathematical functions of two or more variables | ABS (variable1) ABS (variable1 - variable2) ABS (variable1 - 500) |
clip | Removes the values outside a specified boundary defined by a minimum and maximum limit | clip(a_1, a_min, a_max) | Argument a_1 is the variable of interest. Arguments a_min and a_max represent the upper and lower bounds to restrict argument a_1. Arguments a_min and a_max can be variables or constants. | CLIP (variable1, 25, 50) CLIP (variable1, variable2, 100) |
sign | Evaluates the sign of an argument. Returns a 1 for positive values, returns a -1 for negative values, returns a 0 for zero values |
sign(a_1) | Arguments can be a variable, a constant, or a mathematical function. When the argument is a variable, the SIGN function is only valid when the display Frequency matches the variable Frequency |
SIGN (variable1) SIGN (variable1 + 1,000,000) SIGN (variable1 - variable2) SIGN (8.6) = 1 SIGN (-12) = -1 |
ceil | Returns the next integer, rounded up. Positive numbers round up away from zero; negative numbers round up toward zero | ceil(a_1) | Arguments can be a variable, a constant, or an equation. | CEIL (variable1) CEIL (2*variable1 + variable2) CEIL (2.001) = 3 CEIL (-2.1) = -2 CEIL (-10.9) = -10 |
round | Returns the rounded values of an argument to a specified number of decimal places | round(a_1,num_digits) | Arguments can be a variable, a constant, or an equation. The second argument, num_digits, specifies the number of decimal points to be kept when rounding. The default number is zero. | ROUND (variable1) ROUND (2*variable1 + variable2, 1) ROUND (15.21654984, 3) = 15.217 ROUND (2.8) = 3 |
floor | Returns the next integer, rounded down. Positive numbers round down toward zero; negative numbers round down away from zero | floor(a_1) | Arguments can be a variable, a constant, or an equation. | FLOOR (variable1) FLOOR (2*variable1 - variable2) FLOOR (6.5) = 6 FLOOR (-6.5) = -7 |
gradient | Returns a partial derivative at each point | gradient(a_1) | Arguments can be variables or equations containing variables. The gradient is calculated using the central finite difference model, which takes the difference in the two y-axis values on either side of the point of interest divided by the difference between the two x-axis values on either side of the point of interest. Gradient at x2 = (y3 - y1) / (x3 - x1) |
GRADIENT (variable1) |
exp | Returns the value of the natural exponential function raised to the power of the argument. | exp(a_1) | Arguments can be a variable or a constant. The constant e equals approximately 2.718, the base of the natural logarithm. |
EXP (variable1) EXP (1) = 2.718 EXP (0) = 1 |
log | Returns the value of the logarithm of the argument | exp(a_1, [a_2]) | Arguments can be a variable or a constant. Argument a_2 sets the base of the log function. An argument for the base is optional, and if omitted, it is assumed to be e. |
LOG (variable1) LOG (variable1, 10) LOG (EXP (variable1)) = variable1 LOG (1) = 0 LOG (10) = 2.3 LOG (10, 10) = 1 |